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The East Anglia Goddess Temple hold regular events either in person or online via zoom.


Listed below are our upcoming and past events.


Watch this space for new events


Monday 17 February 2025 at Wrabness, Essex.

We journeyed the land together, seeking the Goddess in nature.

We walked across the land, along the shoreline, through the woods and past 'A house for Essex'.

A wonderful time had by all who attended.

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Walkers enjoying the view

Faery Tree on the shoreline

Photos by Caryl Lynzy

Online Imbolc Ceremony - Sunday 2 February 2025

EAGT held an Imbolc ceremony on 2 
February to celebrate 
Idunna, our Maiden Goddess of the North East on our Wheel of Andraste at Imbolc.


Photo by Caryl Lynzy

Online Samhain Ceremony
31 October

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EAGT held its online Samhain ceremony on Thursday 31 October 2024.

We called in the Dark Mothers Keridwen, Hela, Hecate and Lilith to be with us these coming dark months. We were taught how to make and the purpose of a chestnut necklace. Two seasonal poems were read from those gone before.

This is a time to let go of that which no longer serves us.

Walk with Goddess on the Land

Our second walk with Goddess took place on Monday 28 October from Mistley, Essex and through Witches country of Manningtree. We went into Andraste's Woodland Grove, across fields, around the town and along the river, with the occasional light rain.

                             We honoured the Witches of Manningtree.

Thank you to all those who joined us for this Samhain walk with Crone Goddess.


Photo by Caryl Lynzy

Autumn Equinox online
Ceremony 2024


We held our Autumn Equinox Ceremony on zoom on 22 September

This was FREE for all to attend and participate.

We Called In our Goddesses on the Wheel of Andraste, created an Apple candle and wrote what we wished to let go on a dry leaf ready to burn later.

Maybe we will see you at our next ceremony?

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Autumn Mysts of Andraste photo by Caryl Lynzy

Astrology Talk 
26 September

Claire Morgan, our Resident Astrologer and a Priestess of Andraste, gave a talk entitled 'What sign is your Goddess?' on Thursday 26 September 2024 via zoom.

This was a most interesting talk on our Goddesses from the Wheel of Andraste and which sun sign and planet is associated with them - from Claire's knowledge and meditations.

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Glastonbury Goddess Conference

At Lammas time of year some members of our Community travel to Glastonbury to partake in the Glastonbury Goddess Conference and take time out from their local Community here in East Anglia.

Our Priestess lineage is to the Lady of Avalon and we go to serve and give thanks for Her teachings in the land of Avalon.

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The land of Avalon

Monday 15 July 2024

A group of Goddess/Nature-loving people joined Caryl, a Sister of the Iceni Tribe & James, a Priest of Andraste, for a walk at Bures, Suffolk to discover the Bures Dragon and the essence of Goddess on our 

East Anglian land.

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Happy nature-loving people and Simba appreciating the modern-day Dragon

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View across the land of the Dragon in the landscape

Online Litha ceremony 

Our seasonal ceremony was held on 23 June online.

Created by Carina, a Sister of the Iceni Tribe and a second spiral student of the EAGT

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Iceni Magna held its AGM on Wednesday 22 May 2024 at 7 pm via zoom.

The position of Chair of our Committee was taken up. The Treasurer, Vice Chair and the Secretary remain the same.


















EAGT business was discussed as per the agenda below


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1) Opening


2) Apologies for Absence


3) Minutes of Preliminary Management Meeting

Delivered through email and in the committee chat.


4) Matters Arising

Due to personal reasons Claire stepped down as Chair of the committee, the role of Chair is now vacant. The vacancy to fill the role as Chair is put on our website.


5) Election of Officers

  • Election of Chair

  • Election of Vice Chair

  • Election of Treasurer

  • Election of Secretary


6) The Constitution of EAGT

  • Statements need to be overlooked to see if they need adjustments.


7) Any Other Business

  • Report of the Treasurer

  • Report from the Chair (or Vice Chair)

  • James suggested a possible name change for our community, at the moment we use two names ‘Iceni Magna’ and ‘East Anglia Goddess Temple’. This can lead to confusion for people wo are wanting to join the community and there are worries that the name ‘East Anglia Goddess Temple’ will bring suspicion in the future. (example; trying to apply for funds).

  • James suggested in the management meeting that we split the team in two groups, one for Essex and one for Suffolk. This way they should be able to organise more local meetings and ceremonies so people could get more face-to-face time with each other.

Pink Sugar


EAGT held their online Beltane Ceremony on Sunday 5 May at 3pm via zoom.
A lovely time was had by all attendees.



We held our Ostara Ceremony on 24 March 2024

via zoom.

We celebrated Spring Equinox and our Spring Goddess, Sulis. Goddess of Fire and the East on our Wheel of Andraste.

EAGT supported International Women's Day

on 8 March 2024



Imbolc Ceremony

The EAGT held its Imbolc ceremony on 6 February 2024 in honour of our Maiden Goddess, Idunna, Goddess of rejuvenation and invigoration.

We called in our Goddesses on the Wheel of Andraste, led by our priestesses, priests and students and there was a meditative journey and time to create a vision board.

And a fabulous ceremony is was, created and led by Keziah (Whole Soularts) Osborne.

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Photo by Jovan Vasiljević 

Yule Ceremony

The Temple held its Yule Ceremony on 18 December. It was open to all.

We honoured the Divine Feminine in her motherly, starry sky, Goddess aspect.

We had themed poems, meditations and a short story. We lit our Yule candle to welcome the season

Samhain Ceremony

The Temple held an online Samhain ceremony on

Sunday 29 October 2023. 

We said goodbye to one year and welcomed the next. As we descended into the 'dark time' of the year and begin to work with the Dark Mother, our focus turned inwards for our transformation.

Gippeswyck Pagan Gathering

Saturday 21 October 2023

Martlesham Community Hall, IP12 4PB

The East Anglia Goddess Temple opened this event introducing Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni Tribe, who took on the Romans.

We were there to honour Her as Queen of East Anglia.

We were supported in our Opening Ceremony by Green Dragon Border Morris.

The day was hailed a great success for EAGT!


Boudicca - Artwork by Willow

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The Opening Cermony

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Boudicca in the centre followed by Broc

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At EAGT Stall - Mama and Rob

Mabon / Autumn Equinox  Ceremony

We held an online ceremony on

Saturday 23 September 2023.

We called in our Goddesses on the Wheel of Andraste, had stories, poems and chants and made something to keep until the spring.

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Flowers, Crystals & Goddesses

Our lovely Priestess of Avalon and Andraste, and EAGT Madron Mother/Tutor, Chantal Soenens, gave a talk via zoom on Flowers, Crystals and their relation to our Goddesses in September 2023.

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On Thursday 13 July 2023 our Resident Astrologer, Claire Morgan, was interviewed live on Spiritual Psychics TV on You Tube by Paul Bannister.

To watch the recording, go to

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EAGT were at Needham Market Community Centre on 8 July 2023

Guests had the chance to meet the Priestesses and Priests of EAGT, sit in drumming circle, participate in an Andraste ceremony and listen to a talk on Andraste, with shell crafting throughout the day in the Temple.

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Our altar dedicated to the Goddess Andraste

EAGT held a Pop Up Temple at Norton, Suffolk

EAGT were at Roots of Connection at Norton Village Hall, IP31 3LE on 17 June with a Pop Up Temple

The Temple opened at 11 am for the day.  Visitors came to meet the Priestesses/Priests & Sisters/Brothers of Iceni Magna from the

East Anglia Goddess Temple.

The days' programme included:

A *chanting/drumming workshop*

A *Ceremony* in celebration of the Summer Solstice/Litha*
It was a wonderful spiritual day in the land of the Iceni in beautiful Suffolk. Lots of goodies were on offer on the stall too! Thanks to those who came and joined our wonderful East Anglia Goddess Temple Community. 

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Our Nehalennia Altar

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Our Nehalennia Altar and Student Artwork by Keziah Whole Soularts Osborne

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Our stall at the pop up Temple

Drumming session at the pop up Temple

Ostara 2023

EAGT held our free online Ostara Ceremony ⚘🌱 on Sunday 26 March where we honoured our Goddess of springtime, warmth, healing and sunshine, the Goddess SULIS🌞🍀

We lit a  candle to light in honour of Sulis and to invoke her healing and vitalising energy. And we sowed some seeds, to be blessed by Sulis, then planted in celebration of the magic of spring. Poems were read and meditation held - all received with love.

5TH MARCH 2023
These roles have now been filled
See our Who's Who Page to find out more
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NB The position of Treasurer is not open to students of EAGT due to confidentiality.

The appointed person will need to be experienced in accounting and provide some character clearances due to the financial responsibilities of the role.

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Imbolc 2023

EAGT held an ceremony online at Imbolc on Monday 30 January 2023 at  7 pm


We welcomed the stirrings of spring and the Goddess Idunna.

A celebration of new beginnings, rebirth and rejuvenation. 

We called in of the Goddesses on our Wheel of Andraste, did a grounding meditation,

read a short piece on Idunna herself, and the made an apple prayer candle as an

offering to the Goddesses/Gods.

This ceremony was created and led by James Scott Allen, a Priest of Andraste.

For the written article on this, please click the button to #Article 3 Imbolc

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YULE 2022

On Sunday 18 December 2022 at 3 pm EAGT held its online Yule Ceremony via zoom.

We honoured the Goddess Arianrhod in the North on our Wheel of Andraste. There were themed poems, a meditation and short story.

Everyone was welcome to this FREE event.

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Samhain 2022

On Sunday 30 October 2022 at 3pm EAGT held its Samhain ceremony online via zoom, celebrating Samhain, the Goddess Cerridwen and the turn of the year. Everyone was welcome to this free event.

Autumn Equinox 2022

On Sunday 25 September 2022 at 3 pm EAGT held its Mabon Ceremony, celebrating Autumn Equinox and the Goddess Erce. This ceremony was open to all and was free to attend.

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Facebook Private Group

Join our East Anglia Goddess Community group


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